Hello Everyone,

How is everybody doing? I am doing great. I had an awsome week with some amazing devotionals. On sunday we had a good priesthood session. Talking about magnifying our callings as missionaries. We had a devotional that night to where the head administrator of the MTC invited 5 recent convert missionarie on stage and asked them questions. It was so cool. Monday we had this incredible group meeting about disregarding previous judgements of our missions. He said if you were dissapointed to go stateside, repent now. I regret ever doubting the Lord. He also said to not lower your expectations if you ahve heard they don't baptize a lot in your mission. As your expectations decrease, so does your effectiveness. Tuesday night we had a devotional led by none other than Kevin W. Pearson. The most amazing talk I have ever heard live, hands down. His wife started off with Pray as if everything depends on the Lord, Work as if everything depends on you. So good. He spoke next and emphasized the importance of becoming a disciple of Christ, not simply doing the mission work. He also spoke on the importance of obedience as that it is the foundation of faith. It was super inspiring. Afterwards I went up and shook his hand, which was a bit of challenge considering the number of missionaries that wanted to. It was basically a mob around him, but I got up to him shook his hand and said, "I believe you know my father!" He ended up talking to me for a bit as the other missionaries drooled over my 15 seconds of fame.
How is everybody doing? I am doing great. I had an awsome week with some amazing devotionals. On sunday we had a good priesthood session. Talking about magnifying our callings as missionaries. We had a devotional that night to where the head administrator of the MTC invited 5 recent convert missionarie on stage and asked them questions. It was so cool. Monday we had this incredible group meeting about disregarding previous judgements of our missions. He said if you were dissapointed to go stateside, repent now. I regret ever doubting the Lord. He also said to not lower your expectations if you ahve heard they don't baptize a lot in your mission. As your expectations decrease, so does your effectiveness. Tuesday night we had a devotional led by none other than Kevin W. Pearson. The most amazing talk I have ever heard live, hands down. His wife started off with Pray as if everything depends on the Lord, Work as if everything depends on you. So good. He spoke next and emphasized the importance of becoming a disciple of Christ, not simply doing the mission work. He also spoke on the importance of obedience as that it is the foundation of faith. It was super inspiring. Afterwards I went up and shook his hand, which was a bit of challenge considering the number of missionaries that wanted to. It was basically a mob around him, but I got up to him shook his hand and said, "I believe you know my father!" He ended up talking to me for a bit as the other missionaries drooled over my 15 seconds of fame.
So my entire P day so far has been waiting in health clinics and being taken to BYU health services for X rays. It is only a sprain, and they think it is pretty bad, but I am sure I will be fine. Don't worry about a thing. I should be off crutches by tommorow! Unfortunately I did miss the temple though. Which was a bummer.
Life at the MTC really is good. I am getting so comfortable with lessons and teaching the plan of salvation to a woman earlier this week was so neat. She recently lost her mom to cancer and she was crying the entire time we told her about the celestial kingdom. I can't wait to get out to the field and meet real life West Virginians! my flight is at 7 so I will probably call you around 5;30 or 6 am. I also have a layover in Detroit so I may sneek in a second one. We will see. I love you all so much! Thanks for your letters and packages! They brighten my already beaming day. Can''t wait to hear more and talk to you in a couple days.
Peace and Blessings