I cannot quite explain the week I am having. I am training in an area I feel I hardly know. District Leader over 6 missionaries. Moving to a new apartment this week and our car just got taken away. The Salem missionaries got in a bike wreck and now need our car. One of the Elders is probably going home because he jacked his shoulder. Makes moving tough!
My New comp is Elder Havertz from Kaysville, Utah. He knows the doctrine real well and is a prime example of missionary work pre-mission. We ware working to love the people here. We set a baptismal date with Crawford, an investigator who has been taking the discussions for over a year. If all goes well we are going to have 2 baptisms in the next 3 weeks!
It has been humbling this week. You really think you can do it yourself. No task to tough. No situation too difficult. Boy was I wrong. I am so grateful for the Spirit filling in where I seriously lack. We have witnessed some awesome miracles already as a companionship. On Saturday we felt inspired to practice addressing a concern on a doorstep. Attempting to master the skill of comforting a stranger about a recently passed loved one. We brainstormed for nearly an hour, recognizing it came down to loving immediately whom we meet. That day we came into that exact situation 3 times in less than a few hours.
This morning I finished the Book of Mormon for the first time on my mission. It was an unbelievable experience. I never expected to feel the absolute peace as I took up Moroni on his exhortation. I knew that I have to be humble to receive a witness. In kneeling prayer I felt my felt my head clear and my burden lift. I would have preferred to stay on that dirty carpet all day and feel the solitude that comes with the Spirit. That book is truly inspired scripture.
Well we will be biking for the next few weeks. It will be a challenge with how spread our investigators are, but I have faith the Lord will help us achieve our goals. Sure love ya and pray for y’all daily.
Much Love,
Elder Dumke