These past 7 days have been phenomenal. We visited 3 part member families and all of them displayed interest in baptism. We are really excited about it all. One of the coolest things happened on Monday night though. Remember when I talked about Clara and Fausto last week and how they were excited? Well last Monday we visited them again. It was like deja vu when our member began speaking in Spanish. I was able to pick out a few a words, but mostly I could just feel the Spirit. As Clara spoke we prayed that she was saying positive things. As Danny translated for us, the Spirit set in. She explained that she had prayed just a few days earlier for something or someone to help strengthen her belief in Christ and then we showed up! She said although she enjoyed her church she knew there was more out there, something specific to her. Danny explained that God teaches us to crawl, then walk then run. As she recently developed her faith in Christ it is preparatory to her receiving the Restored Gospel. She agreed and was really excited, as was her Dad. They are excellent people.
We tracted into two Baptist ministers this week, both were intrigued by the Priesthood and one prayed with us. And not praying spitefully either, with the typical "help these young boys find the truth." It was about coming together as believers in Christ. It was a very positive experience. Wednesday was supposed to be District Meeting, but instead we helped someone paint their house. Two days earlier Mitch sent me an email:
"I recall getting frustrated sometimes with the elders in my district because they weren’t being fully obedient or as hard as I thought they could, truth is, you also need to work hard at being a leader and not just a missionary. How? Take ‘em to lunch. Serve should to shoulder. I recall grabbing my truck on afternoon and putting the whole district in it, grabbing member’s rakes and raking random people's lawn and singing them a hymn after. Create memories where the spirit was present. Sorry for the sermon, I feel I Was almost inspired to write that."
It wasn't more than a few hours later that the Zone leaders called me to ask if we were still having district meeting; the choice was clear, service is what we needed. We painted for a few hours instead of district meeting and made a huge difference in someone’s life. They are now meeting with the missionaries in that area. Mitch always tryin to steal my thunder, by receiving inspiration for my mission! Thanks buddy.
Thursday was a really powerful evening. As we went to meet with Crawford (set to get baptized August 25th) we saw that all his belongings were packed away and stored in his front room. He wasn't going to be able to pay his rent. We had planned from the get go to teach tithing, but began to shy away as to even think of him giving more money when he doesn't have any. Then the thought hit me. This is the lesson he needs more than anything. President McBride was with us and he shared his experience with paying tithing as a young, poor medical student. He paid when he had nothing, but because of his faith he was provided for. He was offered to be the caretaker of the property and live with the number 2 at General Motors in Detroit and didn't pay a cent of rent during medical school.
Sorry for all the stories but this week was sweet! Saturday we met with a fella up in a holler. He really wants to turn his life around and be baptized. He is one of the most caring people I have met and would do anything for anyone. He was hit by a drunk driver a few years back and hit his face against the dash. He lost all his teeth, and has a plate in his forehead and nose. I love the guy and I love the hills. One of favorite lines of my mission came from him;
As he explained his Chevrolet Truck, "I got the Lord in my heart and the Lord in my Engine."
Sunday during our first sacrament meeting I got a call from Wayne Hewitt. He had cancelled the last 3 appointments on us and I was shocked to see him calling. I stepped out to listen to his voicemail. His wife had been in a car accident and was fine, but as a result felt he should come to church. He said, "I got my shirt and tie on and I am coming to church". He came for the first time and loved it! After the service he called me and told me that he had a profound spiritual experience and shared it with his wife. They both are excited to come back.
I wasn't planning on writing very much this week, but I guess I couldn't stop. I pray that you can draw strength from the things that I shared and we can all recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives.
Love yall,
Elder Dumke