Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weak by Week 1/9/12

Ni how -
It feels like just yesterday I sent my last email. I cannot believe how fast the weeks have been going. Well Happy Birthday to me. Thanks for the birthday wishes and gifts. It was a great first birthday in the field. I was woke up at 12:01 to party poppers exploding in my room because the assistants woke up to welcome me into my 20th year. A few hours later we woke up at 5:45 to drive with President and Sister Pitt in the brand new GMC to parkersburg an hour and a half away for a zone meeting. It was nice because between interviews and and meetings I was with them all day. What a treat! We came to find out that they spend some time up on Hebgen lake because one of their sons married a Covey. Pretty sweet connection and basically the number one thing to get me trunkie, talking about family in Montana. Between it all we had about an hour and half of proselyting and we were able to teach two lessons with members present and they were awesome. One is coming to dinner with a member this week and the other shared her rough past with us and we had a powerful lesson on the atonement. The night ended with dinner with the Assistants. It was a great time!
The last few weeks we have also been teaching a brother in jail. He is pretty amazing. He has read the entire quad multiple times as well all the teachings of the prophets and the pearl of great price institute instructors manual. When he was 16 he was tracted into and now he is 28 and knows a ton! The only reason he wasn't baptized in the past was because of smoking. He is now clean and is planning to be there when he gets out. The weird thing is is that he looks almost identical to Mason Waite. Its crazy.
In general we had just a really blessed week. We have been struggling to find new investigators that will stick, so the last two sundays we have been fasting to find a family to teach. To find the family that the Lord has been preparing to hear the gospel. After concluding our fast yesterday we tried a follow up with this lady. She was excited to see us and invited us in. She had been flipping a bit through the Book of Mormon and is very interested in learning. She was very positive as we taught of the Restoration. She has a 9 year old and 15 year old daughter and both her and her husband are doctors. I am certain this is the family we have been fasting to find. What an incredible miracle.
Well I love ya and hope things are going well!
Much Love,
Elder Dumke!

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