Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Beginning Another Transfer

Is it just me or is life in fast forward!
I can't believe another 6 week cycle has come to an end. I have to say I have learned the most in the last 6 weeks, then have compared to any other transfer. Not only about others, but a lot about myself and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I don't know how I remained calm in the past, or if I even did, because there has been a new light shined upon the principle of "Trust in God." I am thankful for that.
This week we were able to teach our good friend Brother Fred Young a few times with a Recent Convert named Richard who joined the church in October. It has been neat to see how much it strengthens the both of them. Fred was able to come to church Sunday and he has a new baptismal date of May 20th. Pray that he can make it. Amanda, who we were excited for, is temporarily out of the picture. Her boyfriend answered the door last time we went, and 'politely' told us to never come back and if she was interested she would come to church and then proceeded to slam the door. Vince didn't go to the temple in DC because of traffic, but he is reading the Book of Mormon with his girlfriend. We also saw Sister Dorsey who has investigated forever and were bold with her about baptism, but she still isn't quite there. Part way thru the lesson her husband called (he was helping out at scouts that night) and asked us to bring him his car key kit. The lesson had to be cut short a bit so we could go break into a car at the church because someone locked their keys in the car. It was funny trying to slim jim and wedge a car door in the parking lot, but now I know how. The things you learn on a mission.
Well with transfers, Elder Butler and I will be staying together which is good. And Elder Maxwell is training so I will be a Grandpa! And if I haven't explained this then here is the run down. Your trainer is your dad and your trainee is your boy. Therefore Elder Brady is a great grandpa. Pretty phenomenal that we we will have a 4 generation pedigree within the mission. Anyway - I love you all so much and look forward to reporting on the progress of this week!
Much West Virginia Love,
Elder Dumke

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