Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week 2

This week was full of meetings, travelling, finding and rewarding teaching. I have had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the opportunities the Lord has afforded us. He blessed us to meet a wonderful family from Ghana who used to live right next to the church in Africa. They said (and I guess it is a common presumption) that over there everyone thinks you must be rich to visit that church, because the buildings are so nice and they are putting up new ones every 3 or 4 months. How great to hear, how successfully the work is going forward! We are excited to teach them again tonight.

Zone Leader Council was this week as well. It was weird being one of the oldest ones there, but neat to see how President is refining the culture of the mission. We learned a lot about obedience and sacrifice. I have always been confused with the defining of the word sacrfice. A common definition is to give something up for something better. Well if that is the case, what exactly are we sacrificing, nothing is ours to begin with. He explained that sacrifice literally means "to make sacred." With that redefinition in mind the only we can sacrifice is our actions and thoughts, therefore obedience is the way we make time and resources sacred. The scriptures mean what they say when we read that Christ was the great and last sacrifce (and might I add the only sacrifice). He was the only one that had anything to give because he was the creator and giver of all that is ours. We went from district meeting to district meeting this week teaching the importance of making this time sacred and committing each missionary to exact obedience. It is so excting to see the mission on the brink of total complete unity, "a zionistic mission!"

Vince came to church this week! He missed sacrament because he had to watch the kids in the morning, but he came and stayed for the following two hours. He really enjoyed it. One of the members used to be his landlord 4 or 5 years ago and shared an awesome testimony that he was in the right place. Vince very much agreed. He has a baptismal date for July 8th. Additionally we went out with a young man in the ward that is getting ready to head out on his mission. It was his first time in a lesson and it  really built his faith to to be able teach him, see him excited for baptism and then actually come to church. Vince continues to read and watch conference talks daily, on his own initiative.

Last night Elder Syndergaard and I taught this older man Jerry. He has a cousin this is a member in Ohio, though we just tracted into him. We taught him a few weeks ago and weren't really sure if it sunk into him. Last night we were able to finally see him again, he was very receptive and we had a fantastic lesson with him. At the end I asked, "What questions do you have about what we discussed tonight?" He responded, "Where is and what time is your church?" Not such a bad question. He said he would like to be baptized and we plan on having him attend church next week. I guess you never really know how interested someone is until you give them a chance to hear the gospel and feel the spirit.

The zone is doing really great and we are excited for the next few months. I hope I get to stay for another transfer or two. Thanks for the package with a little fudge and cookies! It was delicious and great to hear from you! I love you so much!

Love yall
Elder Dumke

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