We hide these in the members' houses after they feed us dinner.
Most of them love it!
Hey there friends and family,
This week was sweet. The days are never mundane or same, but the I am starting to understand that this is my life for the next two years. I am grateful this week for difference. Different doctorines, gospels and theologies add flavor to religion, but it is the people and the relationships that matter. This week we had to stop seeing some of my favorite people, Jonny and Holly Torrence. They are super solid and incredible people, set in their religion. We asked why they coninued to see us and ultimately it came down to that they were trying to convert us. So we let them know what our purpose was as missionaries and said we had to put forth our efforts in those in search of our gospel message. It was kind of a bummer because I really liked meeting with them.
But when one door closes a window opens. We set two baptismal dates within the next two days. They are scheduled for a month from now, and we have a lot to work out with them, but I have high hopes for Logan and Ethel. Ethel is an older, very shy woman, who has been smoking most of her life. She loves the gospel, we are working with her to quit smoking though. It was her birthday just the other day and we bought her a cake. Turns out it was the only contact she had all day. Missionary work is important, but it also so awesome to be dedicated to helping and visiting others.
We had stake conference yesterday up in Buena Vista. (Buena like June - ah) We drove up with Mark Malone, a less active guy that hadn't attended church in years. It was sweet seein him there, and he said he is going to start coming to sacrament each week. Up in Buena Vista I ran into Rebecca Rayburn and Celia Benson (both from our ward). Definitely nice seeing some familiar faces.
This was a great week, we are working with some neat people. I know this email is a little mundane, but I am trying to not pop my head to far out of the mission field. I love it here and have seen growth in my testimony daily. I learn more and more each day. Thanks for the prayers and support. I know that my joy is full, because the Lord is fulFILLING.
Love yall
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