So this week was my final week with Elder Brady. He is being transferred to West Virginia, so after one transfer my trainer is moving on. I am really excited to continue working and looking forward to spend the next transfer with another Elder. I have learned an incredible amount these past 6 weeks, and am so grateful for a dilligent, knowledgable first companion.
I had exchanges twice this week so I spent the day with different Elders for the day. It was great. The highlight of the week had to be teaching Tina. We gave her a book of mormon the other night and she didn't seem too interested, but invited us back. We went over a few days later, and despite her being sick she invtied us for a lesson. She loved what we were teaching and invited an invite to be baptized when she found the things we were explaining to be true. She has great faith, talking about how she recently lost her job, but it is only because the Lord has greater plans for her. The very next day an employer called and gave her a job she applied for months ago and forgot about. She called us so excited! I was so happy for her and it was true joy and peace I felt knowing that things were going to improve in her life.
Brian came to General Conference in a suit! Which was way sweet. He really loved it and at one point he told us he was praying to stay awake and then Elder Bednar spoke about Personal Revelation and he sat right up. A couple days ago Brian had really awesome experience pertaining to that. He is super solid. Yesterday we ran into him and he asked if he was allowed to fast? "Definitely!" we replied. He explained that his brother was in prison and he wanted Jesus to be with him during that hard time. He truly has a prepared heart.
Logan came to General Conference with 4 of his liberty friends. They all enjoyed it very much, but aren't really interested in learning more for now. It is good to have left them with a positive view of the church, rather than the Anti-mormon material they are indoctorinated with at Liberty. Our recent convert Kim Kelly got engaged this week and her fiance wants to take the lessons. We will begin teaching him soon. Don't worry his foundation will be in the restored gospel of Christ, not the recent engagment to Kim.
I feel so blessed to have witnessed so many amazing things this week. I know people say that families are blessed while missionaries are out, but I am part of that family also. I have seen the Lord work in my own life and the lives of others. I owe a lot to prayer, but I owe dilligence to faith. It can be difficult in the mornings to wake up and study at times, but having faith that it will make a difference, makes all the difference. I love the scriptures and I love modern day revelation. Genera Conference was so amazing, and I am so thankful to live in a time with a living, breathing, guiding prophet. Pray for strength, pray for courage, but most of all pray for faith.
Love y'all more than the web can express,
Elder Dumke
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