Saturday, August 13, 2011

End of another Transfer

This is Crawford Jones getting baptized in three weeks.

Dear Everybody -
This week we had another cool lesson with Fausto. We went with another Spanish speaking member who just returned from her mission in Chile. We taught Faith thru Alma 32. We recently found an old missionary guide book in spanish so in preparation for the lesson we pulled a few phrases to memorize to help the lesson go more smoothly. It went very well. I have never felt my Spanish vocabulary brought to remembrance with such ease. It certainly wasn't perfect and I must have soon esta bien 3 dozen times, ha.
We taught Wayne midway through the week as well. We introduced the Word of Wisdom and he was on board, but recognized the long road ahead. He had had some issues with partaking of the sacrament the last few weeks and wanted to know how he could feel worthy. He explained some of the things he had to do as an officer in Vietnam. We testified of the healing power of the atonement. He felt the Spirit and felt at peace that baptism would wash away his sins.
As for the new training program - We had a meeting with President Pitt where he introduced the new worldwide program. It is something the church has been working on for a long time to have a universal set training schedule. It includes us having a personal DVD player and a few videos to watch every morning. Our studies are extended to 3 hours daily. It is pretty intense, but already has revealed many ways we can improve. As a result of this program I will be staying with Elder Havertz for another transfer, which I am excited about. This area has many promising faces!

 On Sunday we had Scott and Robin at church. It was fast and testimony meeting, so kind of a gamble, but it went well. Scott used to be a preacher and is real evangelical so he would repeat Amen throughout each testimony. I really love his enthusiasm and love of the Savior. We had another lesson with him yesterday, where we talked about church with them. It was kind of different for them, but they are intrigued. We talked more about temple work and showed them "Why Mormons build temples" on He expressed how beautiful the work for the dead was. He brought out the concern we had been searching for. He has a problem with organized religion, because he wants everyone to be focusing on Christ, not just relying on the structure of church. It was a valid point. It was a good reminder for me of why we have the Book of Mormon, Bible or even church. It is strengthen our faith in Christ so we can continually repent and follow the commandments he has given us. I love those insights.
I am grateful for this gospel. I thankful for my Savior and I feel so blessed to be right here, right now!
Love yall
Elder Dumke

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