We hauled Collin's cardboard standup with us to Hebgen!
So here is the turnaround.
We taught Wayne again this week. His health is improving and is still scheduled to visit with Doctors at the VA weekly. He has continued reading and studying. He is asking questions and intrigued. We took the next big step with him. We invited and committed him to stop drinking. He has been nearly an alcoholic for 45 years post Vietnam. He has gotten rid of every drop of alcohol in his home and hasn't had a drink in 4 days! The miracle of it all is the member who came with us to teach him. We had someone lined up to come out, but last minute had to bail. We frantically called Bro Hoffman. He bore his testimony to Wayne, that the moment he decided to be baptized he quit drinking and smoking and hasn't since that day. It was a very inspirational story and gave Wayne the encouragement he needed. We didn't even know Bro Hoffman's story, but it couldn't have worked out better.
This coming Sunday is Stake Conference and there is an apostle coming! Elder Cook will be visiting and speaking to the Stake. It will be the first time in 25 years that there is a member of the 12 here. I am so grateful that I get to be here for it. It is going to be such a powerful experience for the investigators to here an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Miraculous Mower
Greg Fink lives in the hills and mows lawns for a living. He has recently been having trouble with his mower. His mower completely died right before we got there last week. He was depressed and preoccupied by it. We shared a spiritual message with him and closed with a prayer, praying that all would work out with his lawn mower. Fast forward a few days to our next appointment. As we show up at 8pm he is out in front of his house doing donuts in his brand new 2010 yard machine. A real sight to behold. As we talked we come to find out that he called someone for a part and they said they knew someone selling a mower. Long story short he got a brand new riding lawnmower for a 100 bucks. The Lord really knows our needs and our personalaities. This is exactly what Greg needed. We set a date for baptism in late september.
Sure love ya
Elder Dumke