Yo -
As I am sure you have heard Mother Nature was a bit upset with this side of the country. On the day of the earthquake we drove in to see a less active member. He is a one of kind guy. We asked how he was doing immediately and he responded with, "Good, now that I have survived that earthquake!" Ha Elder Havertz looked at each other giving the look of, "Sure ya did..." We didn't believe him. It wasn't until an hour later that while we were tracting we heard some people talking on the street about where the epicenter was. Clearly it happened, but I don't think I felt it. It seems like most people didn't feel it. Needless to say, you don't need to be worried. As far as the hurricane, we were unaffected. It got a little more humid and windy these past few days, but nothing major.

We were missing Collin so the Family decided to haul his cardboard standup to Montana with us in his honor.
Despite all the chaos, we had an excellent stake conference with Elder Quintin L. Cook of the 12 apostles. It was incredible. We got to go to both sessions. When he stood up each time, he had no notes and he openly admitted he wasn't sure what he would be talking about. It turned out incredible. Some of my favorite points: "The atonement covers all that is unfair in life." He said he will be speaking next general conference on why bad things happen to good people. I am really looking forward to it. He also spoke the next day on becoming. I don't have the exact quote but in essence said, " There is not anything that can defeat a determined soul." and "You are defined by how you live the eternal everyday." We also heard from Elder Lansing of the 70. He was fantastic. On saturday night he spoke about the hurricane as it was happening. He repeatedly used the phrase "as we speak." "As we speak there are vans driving up from Georgia to distribute chainsaws, satelite phones and water to those at the epicenter of the hurricane. As we speak there are nearly 50 priesthood brethren driving from Richmond to Virginia Beach to help others in need." He shared it with tears in his eyes. It was very touching and testimony builder of all the good the church does. He didn't tell it to show off what it does, but to humbly inform the members of the relief efforts.
As for our efforts on the week. We began teaching our next door neighbor. We taught him before we moved, then we stopped, and then we moved next door. It was awkward those first couple weeks seeing him everyday. Finally we felt we should go talk to him. We set up an appointment last tuesday and taught about Faith and Repentance. He told us he wants to and needs to be baptized. It was sp reassuring to hear him say that. We had another lesson with him and he came to stake conference yesterday and loved it. We are really excited about him.
Last monday night we got a call from Wayne right before we were to go into the lesson. He told us he was beginning the Book of Mormon for the the 4th time and he felt something he never felt before. His mind is full of history, but he said he could feel it in his heart. He made it through the week without drinking and is going on 10 days now!
At stake conference I didn't get to shake Elder Cook's hand which I was little bummed about. As we were walking out the doors this guy asked us to put the wheelchair back for him. We had no clue where it went, but told him we would take care of it. As we walked back in the building we crossed Elder Cooks path and got to talk to him for a moment. I wouldn't have had the opportunity if we were not willing to help.
We had zone conference, encouraging us to limit tracting and to work with member more. Still trying to get the hang of it. I love you and am doing just fine!
Much Love,
Elder Dumke
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