Well Happy New Year Everyone.
It has been a crazy busy week. I haven't really had anytime to email the past two weeks and the library has been closed. I am actually using President's office computer so my time is limited. Know that I am doing well and the work is really coming along! Our area and the zone have really been doing well and have seen miracles daily. I love this work. Quick story was on saturday we had an appointment with the Stanley family and they unfortunately bailed on us. We had a member with us so we tried a few potential investigators we had found earlier that week. As we drove near there was a moving truck so we parked and offered to help. For once they took us up on it. In the process we ended up having a discussion about the Restoration of the Gospel she asked many questions and was very inquisitive about us and what we did. As we shared that there was a prophet on the earth today she grew even more intrigued. By the end, we asked her if we could come back and share more with her. She agreed and we left her with a Book of Mormon. The moment she held the book for the first time in her hands she began to weep. The Spirit illuminated with in her. She explained she has been searching for religion and she woke up this morning having no idea how she would be able to all her stuff in one day. It seems her prayers was answered together.
I was on two exchanges this week as well. One was to Beckley, WV. We walked to the hospital where one of their investigators had broken her ankle in 3 places. She needed surgery and was in alot of pain. She asked us if we could give her a blessing. She cried as my temporary companion blessed that her pain would subside and she would feel of her Heavenly Fathers love. We later found out that her pain completely ceased and she didn't take any more medicine and was able to sleep as she waited for surgery. It was a very humbling and amazing experience.
I am doing really well and hope you are too. I know this gospel is true and I have never had more of burning testimony of it. I sure love yall
Much Love
Elder Dumke
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