This week in a nut shell
Missionary Work is really beginning to erupt in this area. Yesterday the entire ward fasted for missionary work in the ward, and on top of it Elder Wiederholt and I passed around a calender for members to sign up to fast an extra day this month. From this past Sunday to the fourth of march we are hoping to have someone fasting everyday during that time, and then on that day have 3 baptisms (for the 3 sets of elders). The ward is enthused and supportive. On Friday we set a date with this man Vince. He has been taught by missionaries in the past and he has good promise. After reading a scripture from Doctrine and Covenants, he said he wanted his own set and got online and ordered a quad, right then and there. It was way cool. We also taught Brenda who has a date in mid march. She missed her appointment because she was in Florida, but when she came back we met with her. She was very distraught because she found out she is pregnant, and because of her epilepsy it is a very scary situation. We gave her a blessing and the Spirit was so strong. Her friend that was against us meeting with Brenda was there and after the blessing she asked us if we could pray with her for her family. Brenda is bringing her boyfriend to the next lesson, and he is excited to meet with us too. I am very grateful for the priesthood. We found a new investigator from South Africa, he is good friends with a member currently on a mission and is having dinner with us and his family this week. Things are looking up and we are really confident in the people we are teaching.
Oh boy I wish I could just talk to you in person, because there are a lot of circumstances surrounding this story, but I will try my best. So over the past week Elder Wiederholt and I have been really searching to find an elect person to teach. We both felt impressed to try this one member family to go ask them if they knew anyone. We don't know them that well, they are not very missionary minded and very private people, so we were kinda hesitant. We got the impression almost every time we prayed as a companionship so we thought we ought to do it. We made up some sweet thank you cards (I will send one home) and we went to go drop it off at their house for some work they did on my comps suit. They invited us in, we chatted for 20 seconds and we asked if they knew anyone we could teach. Immediately she said, "yes, actually I work with this woman who has asked quite a bit about the church and I have given her some church things. I will invite her over for dinner." Wow that has never happened, but it did. It was definitely a reaffirming witness, that the Lord is waiting for us to ASK. We are looking forward to hopefully meeting her this week.
I love you friends and family and thank you for your prayers.
Much Love,
Elder Dumke
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