Gospel According to Luke:
Monday - Our Preparation Day and just a few hours to work. We had one
appointment with Mahendra our south African martial arts friend and
some tracting. We had been knocking doors on this street the last few
days and hadn't seen too much success, but for whatever reason we felt
confident there was more to be done. So we continued onward. We hiked
this big staircase and to a house that looked like it was just being
remodeled.A guy named Luke came out and we figured he was just working
there and we told him that. I am not sure if he just wanted to prove
to us that he lived there or he was just friendly, but he let us in
showed us around. We offered our help and then shared a little bit of
the first lesson. Luke told us he was raised Catholic and hadn't
prayed in months, but this morning in distress he told the Lord he
needed help. He needed his house finished by Saturday and there was
still a long way to go and his Landlord wouldn't return any of his
Thursday - Our appointment falls thru with a potential investigator
while we are with our Elders quorum President. We took him to Lukes
instead and showed up the exact same time as the Pizza guy. Remember
that long hike of stairs. Yep hiked them with the delivery man. We
went in and talked with Luke for a good while and he told us that 5
minutes after we left on monday his landlord called and helped work a
bunch of things out. Luke knew at that point that God knew him and he
was willing to learn more. We taught him more about the book of Mormon
and invited him to read and pray.
Saturday - 4 brothers from the elders quorum and us came to his house
at 8 am to help hang sheet rock and cut trees. He was very impressed
and we got to know him much better. He does fatality recovery for the
FBI and has served overseas 3 times in the Air force. He has a 9 year
old son, he would give his life for. He hauled him thru night school
and has been a single father his son's whole life. He is an awesome
guy. Unfortunately he pulled 2 all nighters to finish his house and
slept thru church. He called us during the service and apologized
We are so excited about him and was definitely the highlight of the
week. We also had Pam over for dinner with the RS president and a few
other sisters. She had a great time and opened up a lot more. She said
she isn't quite ready for baptism, but she said that God has been
telling her that there is more. It surprised her because she has gone
to 4 years of Bible school and 2 years of prayer school, so she is
very learned in the scriptures. She really understands the commitment
and is growing more and more daily! A member actually gave her a quad
on sunday without telling us, so we are praying that it will be a
benefit not a detriment.
Valentines was great! We were on exchanges and contacted a former
investigator. She is a lawyer at a local law firm and a devout Lutheran.
She has been taught everything so it is kind of hard to go in and re
hash it, so we really just bore testimony of the message and the Book
of Mormon. The Spirit was very strong and she agreed to read one
chapter and really pray about it. We came back on saturday and found
out she read it twice and prayed both times. She didn't feel she
received an an answer, but, almost right before our eyes, her desire
to know if it was true grew. Vince and Brenda fell off the face of the
earth this week. We can't seem to contact them. . Just teaching "those
that harden not their hearts" for a few hours really can make up for
the week.
Much Love
Elder Dumke