Hey Hey 3/12/12
Sorry it has been a little while since I have been able to email. Last week was transfers as yall expected, but I wasn't moved. I am still here in Charleston, we just had to run around all day on Tuesday, because we weren' t really expecting Elder W. to move. Now I am serving with Elder Butler from Aurora, Colorado. I got a couple of new roomates too. We no longer live with the Assistants they have moved to an apartment closer to the mission home, and now we live with the Westside Elders, but we will be sharing a ward with the Assistants. President wants Charleston to be the Nucleus of the mission, so he will be coming to our ward every other week. We will begin teaching investigators in his home, and us and the assistants have some pressure put on.
The last weeks have been good. We set Pam with a date for the 25th of March. Keep our fingers crossed she makes it! She seems to be progressing, but not really accepting the message with gladness. Not really sure. Yesterday she came to church, but bolted after sacrament, to go to her church. I have faith that she would be ready if she chose to be, but there is still somethin holding her back.
We have continued teaching Vince and things are going real well there. He is so sweet. I included pictures of them both. I also put in a photo of Elder Wiederholt and I. There is definitely a funny but scary story behind it. Something to do with going down a one way in downtown Charleston. AHHH! We are alive and well.
I love yall and thanks for your prayers and support!
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