Sunday, September 2, 2012

Be not faithless, but believing

Good Morning!

So last Monday we had a lesson with a lady Diane. She was baptist then converted to catholicism and now she is interested in the church. She expressed how she believed all the things we had taught and she really loved the way she felt when we came over, but she said she couldn't ever join the church. By simply asking why not, it seems like the Spirit just melted this wall of fear and she said, " Well I probably could." She is super in tune with the Spirit and really loves the sacred feeling that it brings. Most people are partial to the shouting and speaking in tongues in feeling. We feel she has good potential and we are hoping to see her tonight.

After teaching Vince for a long time, last month his girlfriend came out fired up and told us she really doesn't want to learn. We stopped by on Friday, praying she wouldn't be there. Before going in we felt impressed to pray that he would wake up (despite it being 3 in the afternoon). We knocked on the door and some of the first things out of his mouth was "you are lucky I heard you, I was sleeping and rolled over right before you knocked." We acknowledged his comment with a smile, knowing that it was much more than luck. He said he was happy to see us and said that he had been reading everyday even while we weren't coming. I am not so sure if that is 100% true, but I am sure he was reading.

Saturday night we drove past a home with about 15 hispanics out front (not common in WV) and we remembered that we had a Spanish Book of Mormon. We turned around and went to talk to them. By the time we got there, everyone cleared out but one lady. We gave her the Book and she seemed pretty receptive. With it being 9 we headed back home. Before getting back a prompting came to go see luke. We hadn't seen him in over a month as well. We had a good visit with him as always, but the neatest things was the closing prayer. We were on his front steps and as Elder Syndergaard was praying, luke, started yelling, "OH MAN! WOW! OH JEEZ, I AM SO SORRY. AH SO SORRY I HAVE BEEN GOING AFTER THIS GUY FOR WEEKS!" We had no idea what was happening until he reached down and grabbed his son's hamster. It had been missing for quite some time. We prayed again, this time for gratitude. It was a really funny, but memorable experience.

Finally yesterday we expected quite a few people at church and none of them came. As church ended we got a text from one guy jason, who we had just set with a date this week, that he talked to his preacher and that he was going to stay baptist. After church we studied and prepared to go see him. We decided to just testify of the Book of Mormon and sing Joseph Smith's first prayer. We did and it was amazing! The Spirit was so strong. We asked him to pray to know if it was true. He couldn't speak, so we sat in silence, as he struggled to pray. He did and still said he was staying baptist. It was tough, but reassuring to know we did all we could.

Love you all so much
Elder Dumke

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