Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week of White

The Surface Family

This week was another incredible one, I didn't think anything would top last week, but amazing things continue to happen in Charleston. There are so many prepared people in West Virginia!

It was ZLC on Tuesday so all the Zone leaders started to travel in and then this insane snow storm came and put 18 inches of snow in a few hours. It knocked out almost all the power and so we did ZLC in the mission home with no power and then had all the Elders sleep over there. It was a ton of fun and a very unifying experience. We have been pondering on what we could do to unify them a little more, and this was an answer to prayer. It was miracle all of them arrived safely in Charleston. We then had zone conference the following day in Huntington. It went well and I learned alot, as we taught. There just isn't enough time to prepare and so the spirit teaches you as you teach. It was a good day. Friday we had a few incredible lessons. Right now we are teaching 4 families, which is incredible.

Last Sunday we talked with Christina Root out on the porch and this week we taught her and her husband and they are way elect. She was glued to every word during the restoration and explained she hadn't gone to church for the last few years, because she felt that they lacked the fulness. She definitely felt we were an answer to prayer.

Saturday morning, so yesterday, we had a lesson with Sister Surface and it had been a while since we taught her and so we really wanted to gauge where she was at. Elder Klain bore a very strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and discussed with her about the importance of her knowing for herself, mind you we have taught every lesson on her outside porch, (because her husband works alot) and it is starting to pretty chilly out here. I said to finish 2 Nephi before next Sunday, the Spirit told her to finish it by tomorrow (Today). About 3 o clock Saturday afternoon we got a text asking us about baptism from her. We told her to read Mosiah 18 and pray about it. She texted back that she was ready to be baptized! What?! So amazing we were freaking out. We went over and talked to her and told her we could do it tomorrow morning before church. And she could be confirmed that day with Marcie. We did the interview that night and she got baptized this morning. It went so well and was so cool to see the completion of this family. They will be going to the temple this time next year.

Marcie was confirmed today too. The member we asked to do the confirmation didn't come to church today, so as we gathered in the circle, Bishop Larsen handed the microphone to me and asked me to do it. It was my first tim and it was really neat. Marcie was so happy and her husband and daughter were there too. After the confirmations, the deacons were passing the sacrament and the power went out. They continued to pass and after they were finished, the bishop stood up and said we would cancel and immediately the lights turned back on. It didn't last long though, the power went out right after sacrament meeting ended. We then taught Marcie's Dad and daughter and it went really well. Marcie was testifying of the Book of Mormon to them. Ah she is so great. She reminds me a ton of Mom, they are going to be such good friends I know it.

I love you all so much and this has been the most amazing past few weeks.
Ya'll be careful

Elder Dumke

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