2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the aservice of God, see that yebserve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand cblameless before God at the last day.
3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are acalled to the work; 4 For behold the afield is white already to bharvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in cstorethat he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;
5 And afaith, bhope, ccharity and dlove, with an eeye single to thefglory of God, gqualify him for the work.
6 Remember faith, avirtue, knowledge, btemperance, cpatience,dbrotherly ekindness, fgodliness, charity, ghumility, hdiligence.
Happy New Year Family!
What an amazing week to end on. These last two years have come and gone so rapidly. It has hard to imagine my life without some of the experiences that I have had the last few months. They are things that have changed me forever. In discussing with President Pitt, he posed the question, "What part of our past will we be judged on?" He went on to answer, that we want necessarily be judged on any of it. When we stand at the judgement bar before the Lord, we will be not judged by the good things that we did necessarily or the bad things we did in the distant past, but be judged by who are as we stand before him. Was our repentance complete enough to change our hearts? Did serving others help us become more Christlike or was our service done grudgingly only creating a spike of contempt in our hearts?
My service in the WVCM was in full service of the Lord and the people here, and I know without a doubt that I am headed on the path of becoming the kind of person the Lord wants me to be. I am certainly not there yet, but I am working at it. Church today was incredible. I was asked to give my departing testimony because I had served in the ward for so long. I really have loved being in Charleston for the last 13 months, and it has been an indescribable blessing to see a few fruits of our labors here. After church today was the baptism of Matt Sellards. His family was entirely reactivated and I haven't ever seen someone soo excited to be baptized. In all the midst of the excitement while baptizing him, I raised the left arm to the square and had to do it again. It was okay though. He liked being baptized twiced (as the say in WV). It was a lot of goodbyes at church and exchanging of information.
We still have a big week ahead of us over the next few days, and so this mission is not over. I am going hard to the end whether I like it or not. Thankfully I do! Christmas was a lot of fun as well. I loved talking to you and it is still hard to believe I will see you in just a few short days. What in the world!? How am I feeling about going home? I have probably been asked that at least 40 times today and there is nothing more I can say than that I am. I can't really describe how I feel. I am just excited for the next transfer in Provo. I mean, does it even count, me going home. I am going to a place I have never lived before, feels more like I am leaving home to return to my family. All sarcasm aside I cannot wait to see you!! I am craving the moment we sit in the temple together. Your thoughts and prayers over the last 2 years have meant the world to me. Thank you for all that you have done on my behalf. There are many emails that went unanswered and gifts not given, but I thank you for your patience and love!
Love yall so so much
Elder Dumke
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