Thursday, March 3, 2011

In the Field


Dear ______,

Well I made it through my flights and to Charleston they lost our bags, but we got them later that night. I met President and Sister Thornock and they are awesome. They are so down to earth and cool. We spent that first night at their home and I woke up the morning without a voice. Awesome. It was certainly a "trying" day, when you are trying to be social and branch out to meet other missionaries and people and I literally couldn't make a sound.

I was assigned to labor in the Lynchburg 1 area. This area is well known through out the mission. It is one of furthest areas away (about 4 hour drive) and it covers Liberty College. Liberty is what they call the "Golden Belt Buckle of the Bible Belt." It would be the equivalent of sending Baptist missionaries to Provo Utah. They have very few baptisms, but a lot of discussions to say the least. These students have the entire bible memorized I am pretty sure.

My companion and trainer is Elder Court Brady. He went to Alta and is a solid kid. He has spent the entirety of his mission in Lynchburg, which is a total of 6 months. He is an amazing missionary that knows the Bible very well. Pretty much all of the contacting here is tracting. At first I was bummed, but I like being outside and meeting so many people. No doors slammed in my face, so far, but quite a few polite "I am not interested, I have already been saved." They don't call this place the city of churches for nothing. There are MEGA Baptist churches all over the place.

My first official day here I had a baptism. Elder Brady and his old companion had been working with this girl Kim Kelly a liberty student for about a month and she was baptized my first day. It was way cool to see that immediately and gives me good hope for the future. We have met some other awesome Christian couples and families that are some of the most faithful Christ like people I have ever met. They are always praying for us and think it is so great we are sharing the message of Jesus Christ with the world.

The other day we were driving down the street and we saw two black kids about our age playing basketball just off the side of the street. We decided to go talk to them and played a game to eleven. They introduced themselves as Word and Rome, like the country. Oh yeah the country of Rome, ha. We actually won even in suits and ties. I think we earned a little cred and they agreed to listen to the first lesson. They seemed very receptive and we left them Book of Mormons. Tried their number later and they gave us some fake number. It was certainly a bummer, but ever onward.

I wish I had more time! The work is hard and honestly I don't know a place a more critical place of testing my testimony. There is hostility towards Mormons no doubt and I have had to re evaluate why I am out here, but I know the Lord comes through. The Book of Mormon is the word of God, Truly another testament of Jesus Christ. Through this restored gospel we receive strength and increase faith. I love you all and can't wait to hear from you!

Much Love,

Elder Dumke

300 Killarney Court


Lynchburg, VA 24502

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