What a pleasure it was to talk to family!
Living without family for a few months is like those who are living without Jesus Christ. You don't realize what you are missing until remember/realize it is out there. I love my family (extended included)!
This week was much harder, probably one of the hardest. We had many days without so much as a lesson or placing a book of mormon. Plus our top investigator Brian temporarily dropped us. He finally called us at the end of the week, just enough to get our hopes up of him coming to church, but then once again didn't attend.
Some amazing things still happened. Last sunday the hall phone rang and one of the members answered it and then ran to find the nearest Elder which happened to find me. I talked to them, trying to understand exactly what they were saying. After a few seconds I realized what it was they were trying to communicate to me. "I Needa geat mah hands on a Bok a Mormun!" I jotted down their address and later that week delivered it to them. She let us right in and explained she was a former member of the church then left for the jehovahs witnesses, but knew in her heart that the LDS church was true. She wanted to read the Book of mormon again before the the missionaries visit with her, but she is golden! She is out of our area, but her enthusiasm for the gospel really lifted our spirits!
On saturday we spent some time at the Library on mormon.org (as our mission president suggested us to). As we were leaving we passed by this woman, gave her a quick head nod and walked past. As we were about to get into her car she called out "sir, sir!" we turned to see that she was talking us. She explained that she had been having a rough time recently and she asked for us to pray for her. She hadn't ever heard of the church and we explained that the Lord has so many blessings in store for her. She is also out of our area, but the other elders are meeting with her this week.
I am grateful for my Mother and for all the mothers that have raised me over the years, whether that be grandmas, friends moms, aunts, cousins, etc. Thank you for all that is done in the name of Motherhood.
Much Love,
Elder Dumke
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