Well one more week down.
It is true that the weeks feel like days, but the days can often feel like weeks too.
This week we spent some time in the other Elders area, which covers downtown Lynchburg, because one of the missionaries has been really sick. He is actually going home today because he is so allergic to everything that he can't go even go out to work. It has been really tough for his companion who has been couped up for the past 4 weeks. It was a lot of fun going on the exchange. Downtown Lynchburg is awesome. Big Beautiful Victorian homes on the James River contrasted with the hood and abandoned old brick warehouses. We were tracting when the huge rainstorms blew in. I got some video not realizing that only 60 miles away there were gigantic tornados. We had no idea until the next day. The storms were pretty insane.
We had a few fun lessons as well. One was yesterday with Ingrid Hamlet. She has been visiting with missionaries for years now, because she feels a real void in her current church despite being heavily involved. She is intrigued by it because of a good friend who seems to demonstate full joy. It is amazing how much being an example can influence someone elses life. "Preach the gospel at all times, and if neccesary use words." The lesson we taught she had heard, but her 20 year old son was glued to every word. It was awesome. We also had a lesson with 4 Liberty students. They brought up a lot of doctorinal issues that frankly I couldn't answer immediately, and I told them that I couldn't. I had confidence there was a answer and that I would find it and get back to them. So I dove into deep doctorines, beliefs and theologies and came up with a few scripturally backed answers and one real epiphany. A testimony of the restored gospel comes from one source. The Lord. I am grateful that the truth stands "boldly, nobly and independent."
Brian came to dinner at one of the members homes this week. Despite him being from the Hood of Virginia and the Greers being from Provo, Utah they found a commonality in Christ. It went pretty well. The ward is really gathering around him. Unfortunately he didn't make it to church.
The best part of the week came friday morning when we volunteered at the Daily Bread. It is basically like the soup kitchen, where people can come in and get a good free meal donated from restaurants and grocery stores. They come in and sit down and we basically just wait on them. It was very rewarding to see people working hard to earn ends meat, get some.
Love yall,
Elder Dumke
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