Christine, who was baptized two days after I left Roanoke.
Merry Merry Everybody!
I cannot believe it is Christmas time already! Believe it or not it is 60 degrees today, it just doesn't feel like Christmas when you are raking leaves in a short sleeve T - shirt. Is what it is.
Things are going really well here. Last week has literally been, my last week... in VA. Monday night I got a call about 5:30 pm from the assistants saying they wanted me in Charleston tomorrow, meaning I would have to go to Blacksburg that night. So I ran and got my suits which I ironically dropped both of them off at the dry cleaners ( I even said as I dropped them off the first time, "hopefully we don't have any surprise meeting this week") Well I got them and left for Blacksburg an hour and half later. Spent the night with the Virginia Tech elders (Elder Brady, my trainer) and then went to Charleston for Zone Leader Council. Partway through the meeting President Pitt said, "Sister Pitt has asked if we should tell you elders who are not Zone leaders (there were 3 of us) why you are here. I will tell you the same thing Elder Scott told me, 'if you didn't know why your here, you probably aren't qualified enough to be here." Long story short turns out I am going to be a Zone leader in Charleston! I cannot wait. It is exactly where I wanted to go. I can't wait to be serving in the HQ of the mission. We will be living with the assistants too.
This sunday was a bitter sweet experience. We had 5 investigators at church and it was perfect service for them all. The really cool thing though was that 3 of the families we reactivated over the past 6 months brought non member friends or family to church. Their testimony is really growing and they beginning to share it!
Yesterday we helped Danny Robinson, remodel his kitchen some more. We weren't super helpful, considering our lack of construction knowledge, but it was a good fellowshipping and learning opportunity. He shared some more of his stories from over in Iraq. He doesn't understand the gospel completely, but he knows that is what is going to help raise his kids up right. We also helped Christine with a few things cleaning up the house. She has MS and is in motorized wheelchair and can't get a whole lot done. Her son Josh is a member and we have been teaching her for the last 6 weeks. She is getting baptized this Friday! She had a brutal upbringing but made some really incredible changes . I am sad I won't be there for her baptism.
One of the people that came to church was our good friend Wayne Hewett. He hadn't come the last 4 weeks and had really lost momentum towards baptism and wanting to meet. We went over last week to talk about it with him and explained that we are guides leading him to Christ, we can't walk carry him there, only lead him. And we can't lead if no one is following. And asked if he was still willing and interested in making changes in his life. He said yes. Apparently the visual worked for him, because the moment he sat down next to me in church, "Ya gotta have someone to folla." He has more metaphors and catchy phrases then anyone I know and teaching him in his own language, I guess is what works.
Here are Wayne and Sarah:
Last night we had Empty Nesters again. It was a ton of fun listening to live Christmas music from a Banjo, a guitar, two lap harps and two bass. The room was packed and we had quite a few non members come. They found out I was leaving and the night ended singing God be with you till we meet again. It was a very nice send off. I have really grown to love the people here. As I am sure I will in Charleston. I sure love yall and hope you have a very Merry Christmas!\
Much Love
Elder Dumke
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