What is happening family - 12/5/11
I sure love hearin from yall and I cannot wait, cannot even wait, to chat on Christmas. This week was so great. I have done a lot of pondering on faith. The church and gospel teach us the principle of doing all you can do and relying on faith to fill in for our gaps, at least thats what I thought. I have come to realize the importance of remaining calm and trusting as you do WITH faith. Tuesday we had a beautiful Zone Conference. I love President Pitt. He really helped me personally and did an unbelievable in depth explanation of the Atonement. I know he was called of God.
Wednesday we went out with a member to see all the single sisters we have had to teach on the porch or just tracted into. It went great. This one girl Brittney we gave a book of mormon to, answered the door and came out. She said she was feeding her baby and asked if we could get her phone number and come back. She also said, "I have been reading that book you gave me, and I answered all your questions." I was stunned, surprised and overwhelmed with Joy. The member looks her and says, "Looks like you just made Elder Dumke's day!" I was so on Cloud 9, as we went back to the car and strayed off and tried getting in the wrong car. They busted up laughing, I did too. We then went to Janelle, who tracted into a few weeks ago. She was glad we brought a member with us, because she wanted us to come in and teach. We talked with her for a while and found out her husband had actually thrown out her Book of Mormon, yet she was determined to learn. We don't want to get in the middle of a marriage, but she wants the gospel in her and her daughters life. She was supposed to come to church this week; but if I were betting man I would say her husband prevented her from doing so. She is sweet though.
Thursday we taught Greg Fink. He nearly cancelled on us because he said he lit a fire in his wood stove and he couldn't leave his house with the fire going. Yeah right am I going to let the flames of Satan keep us from meeting with him. We picked up some chairs from the church and taught Greg with a Less active member we reactivated a few months ago outside. We taught outdoors because Greg picked up a stray pit bull from dog fights and we couldn't go inside with it. It went really well with him. We also taught Racha and Samia the plan of Salvation in a members home. It was a lot to cover in a short amount of time, but they enjoyed it and came to church again this week.
Friday we stopped by to see Mike because he wasn't returning our calls and he always does. We went to go see him he answered the door and his wife began yelling, "Mike! NO! NO! You can't it isn't good. Mike No!" She obviously knew it was us and it wasn't just about as apparent that she had been deleting our messages. He welcomed us in for about 20 seconds, but we showed ourselves out to avoid any spousal disputation. All I can say is Tori, Don't get married, It will limit your spiritual progression....
Because it was Elder Maxwell's birthday this week I kept a few things from him. We have any meals planned for Fri or Saturday. I secretly called up his favorite families and we ate well at Ichiban (like Bansai) and Abuelos. Seriously spoiled this weekend. It was a really good ending to a sweet week.
We were able to reach all but 1 of our goals. We finished the lessons with one investigator and we are just waiting for approval from the bishop for her to get baptized. Kind of a messy situation, but we are really excited for her.
It was a great week. I am grateful to be in Cave Spring and I couldn't ask for a better companion. Love you! and Merry Merry Christmas!
Elder Dumke
Hope you got a chance to watch the Christmas Devotional! It was awesome!
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