Hey yall 3/26/12
This was another good and busy week. You may have heard about the fire in Charleston, its just a few miles from our apartment and actually the Landlord of the apartment is a member. It was a big blow to the whole city. Really sad story. Also there have been floods throughout the state over the last few weeks. One of the most devastating was in Logan, just about an hour away. On Saturday we loaded up the 12 passenger van with missionaries and went volunteered for the day cleaning up flood damage. We spent most of the day shoveling mud out of peoples yards. You always hear how incredible the church is when there is a natural disaster, and it is true. On short notice we had 70 people in 2 days with new wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, gloves, masks and goggles. It was a super neat experience and another testimony of the church. The Protestant church we were working with said it was the best organized group that had seen. It was tons of fun!
Earlier this week we also went to help our investigator Fred clean his house a little bit. He has terminal lung cancer and has a hard time getting around to pick it up so we offered to help him out. It was a big boost for him and gave him a much better environment to live in. Then a few days later he called us and said he was feelin better then he had ever felt and he wanted to come to church. Yesterday he came and loved it!. He has an extreme fear of large groups of people, but in priesthood he stood and introduced himself and said, "Hi I am Fred, I live in Kanawha City and I am planning to be baptized April 15th, as soon as I quit smoking." It was kind of a shock because we set him with a date a few weeks back but hadn't shown much progress until now. Keep praying for him.
We weren't able to see Pam this week because her 90 year old father fell and she spent most her week in the hospital, but after not being at church yesterday she texted us and apologized for not coming. I really do love teaching her, because she cares about finding the truth for herself. Sure it is patience trying, to have it a slow process, but she will be a stalwart member.
While on exchanges this past week we were able to give two very different people Book of Mormons. My morning studies each day start by first asking a question that we often get and then studying it out in the Book of Mormon for an answer. That morning I studied "If I am happy without God in my life, why do I need to believe in Jesus Christ?" Not a super common question considering we are here in the Bible belt, but interesting none the less. Well we ran into Atheist Lawyer that day and I was able to call on my study that morning and he was very willing to read the chapters we left and to check it out for himself. Next door was a lady who was fed up with churches, but read her Bible daily. She explained her fascination with the John the Baptist and we explained the priesthood and the restoration and she was pretty ecstatic. What a wonderful to share the gospel!
The trees are greening and it was beginning to be so beautiful! It hit the 90's this last week already. Excellent driving weather ha. We drove nealy 600 miles this last week and visited all but one companionship within the huge zone. I was aching to get out and knock some more doors. There are just so many miracles everyday. I am amazed how well things work out, when we trust in the Lord. I love yall so much and hope you have a blessed day!
Much Love,
Elder Dumke
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