Another week that really flew by!
Most of this week we were in meeting and traveling to district meetings giving mission business. It was a really unique experience to get be with President for a few hours everyday. Hopefully the Spirituality grows thru osmosis! The real miracle of the week was the fact that we were able to teach even more lessons, than any other week, despite us being gone the better part of everyday. We had one of the most intense lessons of my mission with Pam.
We called her to set up an appointment and she was eager to see us, even offering to see us that night, we couldn't so we set up for the following day. As we began our lesson, we came to find out that she hadn't read any since the last time we had seen her, which was unusual. Almost immediately she went in that the Lord had in fact answered her prayers and the church wasn't for her. She had a big letter she gave to me (which I later read) that said she appreciated everything, but was definite on her decision. We listened carefully and soon found out she had gotten online and found some Anti material, but the real issue was that last lesson, she had opened up quite a bit and felt exposed and embarrassed. In all honesty I don't even remember what we said, but she told us that the moment she decided to 'shut the door' on us, her whole life fell apart. It seems that nothing was going right. By the end she explained, that she must compare the fruit of her life when she was reading and living the gospel and when she wasn't. We invited her to read daily and see how she will better cope with trials and how the days will seem to go smoother. She was excited to and yesterday she came to conference sitting with the Bishop and his wife, and behind President and Sister Pitt. She was riveted and really enjoyed it. I will keep you updated! (obviously ;) )
We saw Fred a few times this week too. He has this thing called a Roku? Well we downloaded the Mormon channel and BYU TV on to it and he has been watching it all week and steadily reading one chapter a day. He has really had a new light come into his eyes, despite how sick he is. Still working on smoking, but he watched 3 sessions of General Conference!
I am doing well and stoked as ever to be part of this phenomenal work.
Love ya
Elder Dumke
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