Saturday, October 8, 2011

Back to Back 9/20/11

What a shocking and surprising week. Last tuesday we had to go get our tire fixed because it was leaking a little air. When we took it in we found out that we needed 4 new tires and it wouldn't be just a quick fix. Instead of waiting 3 to 4 hours at the tire repair, we decided to begin walking. We were really far from where we had planned, but we felt confident when we prayed about our plans the prior night. As we began walking the busy Electric Ave (seriously that is what it is called), we didn't get more than a few hundred yards when a brand new 2011 Mercedes Diesel pulled up along side us. It turned out to be a less active member that hadn't been to church in over 20 years. He gave us a ride to our destination and we talked for just about an hour. He had been through some rough things with Alcohol and Drugs, but he was now clean and wanted to really start turning his life around towards God. What a perfect opportunity! He invited us to come to his house soon and meet with him. I never cease to be amazed by "God's perfect timing."
Wednesday I went up to Charleston, WV. I tell you what, I thought Virginia was green. The beautiful, deep, lush hollers and the hills speckled with shades of red and yellow as the trees begin to turn. It was a very nice drive and an inspiring conference. There were about 60 missionaries there and two teachers who tour around the world speaking to different missions. They focused a lot on finding the elect, those that are truly searching for the gospel. It was a great and full day.
We also had the opportunity to do some service for a ward member. After we helped them out we were driving back for lunch and we decided to drop by on an investigator who kept putting us off for one reason or another. We arrived in our service clothes and showed them we were serious about helping. We mowed and edged their lawn for them and were able to set up an appointment for the following day. That lesson went well too. They are meeting with JWs though too. So as we knocked on their door, we waited for them to come. When they opened the door the Jehovahs Witnesses walked out and we walked in. To break the awkwardness of the situation, we began with, "So what did you talk about, we want to be sure not to do the same lesson!" Everyone laughed. After the lesson we taught Greg Fink at the church. He hadn't set foot in a church for 15 years and was nervous to do it for the first time on a Sunday, so we took him on a tour. And even played basketball for 20 minutes or so. The Spirit was so strong as we taught in the chapel. While we tried to explain the 3 degrees of glory, he was a bit confused with all the terminology. So I related it right back to basketball. "The Celestial Kingdom is like a 3 point shot. It takes more devotion and practice to make a 3 pointer, but when you make it your reward is greater. Where as it isn't as hard to make a jump shot with in the arc (terrestrial) which is only 2 points. The telestial is like a free throw anyone can make it, there isn't any defense, but it is just 1 point." It helped him a lot and it was a fun way to teach it.
We had another lesson with him last night, just outside his house. As we talked about faith in Alma 32 we heard a few growls/ screeches. He told us they had had some bobcats the last few nights they could hear in the trees. It was not comforting. As we continued talking a little bobcat kitten strutted up about 4 feet from us. He was about the size of 1 liter bottle (sorry for the weird comparison). As soon as I saw it I looked at Greg and asked "does that mean the mama isn't too far off?" Then from behind his truck comes this bobcat with two more kittens. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. They watched us for a bit then scampered off. It was crazy though. One of the kittens was all black and the the other was kind of brown, but it had the spots. We found out that the bobcats had been inbreeding with house cats! We heard stories of people picking up stray "house cats" come to find out they are half bobcat! It was an eventful evening.
Saturday night we got a call that let us know that one of us would be leaving, but we weren't allowed to know which one until Monday night. I have been here 4 and half months so I just figured it would be me. We both thought it was me, until President Pitt called me Monday. He asked me if I would train again... He said that usually they gave trainers a break, but they want me to train a certain Elder that is coming in. I was overwhelmed and shocked. This means that I will be staying in Roanoke for another 3 months because of the 12 week training program the church introduced. I am excited and nervous. I was definitely, definitely not expecting to train again. Pray for the new elder.
Sure Love ya,
Elder Dumke

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