Happy Turkey Week - 11/21/11
We were very blessed this past week to be able to travel to Charleston and hear from an Apsotle. Elder Anderson visited the mission on Saturday and spoke to us. He began by shaking each one of our hands and asking our names. It was an experience in and of itself. He had nothing particular to speak on, just answered questions and gave us straight counsel from the Lord. It was incredible in 90 minutes he was able to address the entire mission, but speak to each individual missionary's concerns. It was sweet. He spoke a a lot about not comparing yourself to others (ha at least that is what it seemed like to me), just comparing you to you. He said, "Can you imagine me comparing myself Dallin H. Oakes or Elder Boyd K Packer? I grew up reading some of their books on doctrine. Ask yourself instead am I growing in love for my savior? Am I growing in knowledge in the scriptures?" It was, as it seems it always is, about constantly striving to make YOU better. There many other things he said, that I needed to hear.
On Tuesday we followed up with someone we tracted into the week prior. When we showed up we weren't able to go in because she was home alone, but we taught on her front porch. She said that she had been searching for a church, after she was publicly chastized at her husbands southern baptist church for wearing make up. She knew that that wasn't what Christ would have done. Her name is Janelle. She is 23 and has a one year old daughter. They weren't able to come to church this week and working with her husband will be a battle, but she has really been prepared by the Lord.
Wednesday we went to see Mike Holland. He was raised baptist and married Catholic and has 3 young daughters. I sent you package this week with the video card. I will let you watch that story. Oh man! That has most of the weeks dealings. Sunday however was great! One of our investigators brought their friend from church. Now this is complicated, but it was funny. In Priesthood meeting before church we talked about the possibility of Janelle being at church. And one of the quorum leaders began asking if she was the kind of baptist you know that wears straw hats and such. We explained she wasn't Mennonite or anything, but just to watch for a thin 23 year old. Well when Sacrament meeting began our investigator brought her Mennonite aunt unexpectedly and she sat right beside me. It was neat to have her at church, but the priesthood was really confused who it was. We ended up having to fill in for two classes as well. Teachers didn't show up and so we were asked to go and teach. Sweet, I guess I need to continue to brush up on my Old Testament.

Another good week here in Roanoke, now that I am fairly certain I am leaving in a few weeks, I really do not want to go! Hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving without me. ;)
Elder Dumke
PS - Last P Day we went downtown and explored the "big city of our mission." It was less than thrilling, but a lot of fun. One is on a train bridge that goes right thru the middle of the city and the other is at the St. Andrews Catholic Cathedral of Roanoke.
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