Dear Fam and Friends 11/7/11
This week was good. We did quite a bit of service which was sweet. Always feels nice to serve and see immediate benefits. One of the days we were helping pick up deadfall in the forest of someone's front yard. It seemed fairly pointless, but it made them really happy so we helped them out. As we were pulling all the sticks out of the truck bed onto the curb, I had jab me right in the eyeball. I couldn't open it and I was sure it was going to be brutal. It was giving me trouble all day and Elder Maxwell wasn't giving me any sympathy. He just would say I was full of the Spirit when I would literally start tearing up in lessons. It was pretty funny. By the end of the night I got to take a good look at it and it just a nice big chunk of wood stuck in the corner. I got it out, and I am great now.
We had a lesson with Wayne and found out he had backslid and began drinking again. It was really tough to hear. As we identified what led to his downfall we figured out he stopped praying, reading and he didn't come to church that week. Always the small things. The real trigger was him admiring a portrait photo from right when he got back from Vietnam. It was of him smoking a cigar looking like a rough and tough colonel. Amazing how you can look so much at the past that you mess up your future. He even mentioned to us how strong he felt back then, but he was actually very week. Now he is really growing in strength. It was a rough situation, but he said he would try it again.
We got 4 investigators at church this week which was way cool and also have some very promising lessons this week. Wednesday we are teaching a members friend who has come to church for the last year and has finally decided to take the lessons. Alongside we are teaching Richard Thrasher for the first time and two middle eastern friends of another member. All of which have baptism in their sights.
In my personal study I am up to Alma 32. As I read it again, I was struck much more with the first half than with the second half with comparing faith to a seed. Alma teaches those that are humbled and ready and stops teaching those that aren't yet prepared. It struck a cord with me and was no doubt personal revelation for a few of our investigators. I really love both wards and they really trust us. We are starting to make a lot of progress working alongside with them, rather than for them.
Lots of good things happening here daily. Sure love ya
Elder Dumke
PS - Ever had Apple Butter? It is a Fall Phnom out here. It is kind of apple jam, and it is delicious!
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