Hey -
Hope you had a great Halloween. It is truly beautiful here. I am doing well and we have had some powerful experiences with faith. We taught a lady named Carol for the first time. I tracted in to her in July and have stopped by 6 or 7 times since then, but she is never able to meet, but tells us to come back. Finally after it was cold and rainy she let us in. We sat down and she explained she had ordered a Book of Mormon off of a TV commercial about 5 years ago and received it in the mail, but had never met with missionaries. We shared the Restoration with her and she loved it. It was a neat lesson for her and she wants us to teach her son as well.
We also were able to stop by and see Debbie and her husband. Usually just Debbie meets with us, but this time Richard sat in. We visited for a while and asked how he was liking church? He has enjoyed it. We also asked what he understood of the Book of Mormon. He explained it to us and told us that he had borrowed his wife's and had been reading it the last few days. Also exciting.
We taught Wayne a few times this week. He is really up and down with us. Some friend gave him Anti about the Mountain Meadows Massacre, his psychologist told him to not quit coffee, and he said isn't sure if he will be baptized. On the other hand we gave him a priesthood blessing to conquer temptation and he felt the Spirit, he gave a Book of Mormon to his friend down at the lake and he read the whole thing, and has been chewing nicorette gum like crasy to quit smoking by the 5th. What do you do? The Spirit is definitely leading him, but Satan really has a grasp on him too. He is the battlefield between good and evil.
We also have been teaching a member that had some difficulty with the church and had her name removed. She began going back to the Baptist church for a few years, but knew deep down that the church was true. So she began coming back to the LDS church. We have taught her a few times and sunday night she told us that she wants to get re-baptized. She has a bit of a road ahead, but we are pleased that she has made this decision.

Life is going well. We have set some high goals for November, that we really pray to achieve. Thank you for the prayers. Love ya
Elder Dumke
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